FilePush v1.4.1 Apk full App

FilePush v1.4.1
FilePush v1.4.1

 Officially supported is Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.

 With the Windows Client you can create context menu entries that appear when you right-click a file inside Windows Explorer. With a click on the "Push file to device" entry the file will appear a few seconds later as a download on your device.


 Windows Client (Vista, 7, 8) with explorer integration
 Support for multiple devices
 Pushing files using WLAN - fast

 Or using Google Drive - anywhere
 Categories for different file types
 Pushing clipboard contents to device
 Open, move and delete files
 Rich notifications
 No registration (Google Account)
 Uses Google Push service, is not always running in background

 What's in this version : (Updated : Feb 9, 2013)

 Crashfix for Honeycomb devices

 Required Android O/S : 2.2+


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